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What is a Child Advocacy Center (CAC)?
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Child Advocacy Centers help coordinate the investigation, treatment and prosecution of child abuse cases by utilizing multidisciplinary teams of professionals involved in child abuse cases such as law enforcement, Department of Social Services, prosecution, medical, mental health and child advocacy center advocates.

CACs serve as a “hub” for each child

abuse investigation CACs goal is to

reduce the overall trauma to the

child and supportive caretakers,

allowing children and families to heal

CACs are neutral, child-focused and

aim to create a sense of safety and


Without the use of CACs, children

are often interviewed about traumatic events multiple times.

CACs offer the ability for children to be interviewed one time and for all involved investigating parties to receive the information

CACs Offer: Child Forensic Interviews (CFIs), Child Medical Evaluations (CMEs), advocacy and support services, referrals, community outreach, among other elements.

About Us

Child and Family Focused

Strength and Mending Child Advocacy Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3), neutral organization that serves children who are victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse and/or witnesses to violent crimes in Vance and surrounding counties.  S.a.M. CAC provides a systematic, multidisciplinary response to reported cases of child abuse, allowing multiple agencies such as law enforcement, mental health, Department of Social Services, prosecution, medical, and child advocates to collaborate and create a child-focused approach to reduce the overall trauma to the child and family in cases of child abuse.

All services provided at the center are provided at no cost to the child or their families.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for children and families.

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What We Do

S.a.M. Child Advocacy Center strives to provide a safe, child friendly environment for children who are alleged victims of abuse and their non-offending family members to receive Child Forensic Interviews (CFIs) by trained staff, children and non-offending family members can receive advocacy and support services, referrals to appropriate support services within the community, crisis intervention and medical treatment referrals if needed.
S.a.M. also provides Child Medical Evaluations (CMEs) by a physician trained and rostered with the NC Child Medical Evaluation Program.
S.a.M. CAC allows for meetings of specialized professionals involved in each child’s case to meet, collaborate and create a child-centered approach to each and every child’s case.  This allows for a wider-view in the decision making process of the cases and allowing for overall reduced trauma and increased healing of the child and family.

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Child Forensic Interviews

When child abuse is suspected, it is critical to talk to the child about their experience and gather information in an age- and developmentally-appropriate manner.
S.a.M. CAC’s goal is to help every child feel as comfortable as possible as the multidisciplinary team determines what may have happened.  To ensure this goal a Child Forensic Interviewer will speak with the child to gather information in a compassionate and non-leading fashion. 
It is important that the child is able to tell their story in a comfortable and safe environment.

Child Medical Evaluation

A Child Medical Evaluation (CME) is offered to any child who is brought to the S.a.M. CAC for allegations or concerns of child maltreatment. All medical evaluations are performed by a highly trained, rostered medical provider.

Purpose of Exam

A forensic medical evaluation is performed for the purpose of evaluation and treatment of physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. All examinations are comprehensive and carefully conducted in a child friendly setting, and involve a complete medical history and non-invasive, head to toe physical exam. When there are concerns of sexual abuse, the exam might include treatment of exposure to sexually transmitted infections and other testing. 

Some children are evaluated for concerns of physical abuse or neglect. In addition to the physical exam, our physician may order X-Rays or laboratory tests to aid in the evaluation. Care coordination can consist of referrals to specialty medical providers and behavioral health therapy. All forensic medical evaluations take into consideration the physical, emotional and behavior consequences of child maltreatment. 

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Child and Family Advocacy

Our Child and Family Advocates provide on-going, supportive services to the children we serve and their non-offending caretakers.  Our Advocates assist families in navigating the various systems they are involved in, link families with supportive external services, assist with various need of the families we serve, crisis intervention, along with other services.  

Community Outreach

S.a.M. CAC strives to offer trainings and community education for both children and adults alike. It is our mission that every person is educated on child abuse prevention, response and support. Please contact us if you would like to get more information on possible training opportunities.

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Our Partners and Supporters

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A Glimpse of Our Center


Child Forensic Interview Room


Child Medical Evaluation Room

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